
INTERVIEW: GCHQ Endeavors to Bring Medical Marijuana to Mississippi Their COO, Emily Osborne Rhodes, graciously meets and fills us in. But for the record, there's something dank in Gluckstadt, Dude!

Emily Osborne Rhodes, COO of GCHQ

DeViney, J.:  Emily, thank you for taking the time to talk about what it is you’re doing to improve the status quo in the State of Mississippi and, by proxy I feel, the nation.

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Six Degrees of Knowin’ Nothin’: How The Donald Gets Re-Elected (BIGLY) How 6 = 270 = 4

You don’t like me? I don’t like you either, so it’s even-steven.

Forget what I want. What I want is irrelevant. What is at hand is what matters: it’s a debut, six points of varying degrees of severity that may or may..................   read more

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Radical Centrism at its worst.