What’s next?
With the ever more present awareness and now acceptance of homosexuality and transgendered individuals, has any one else noticed the change in children’s cartoon love stories? Children’s cartoons and the love stories in them have not gone so far as to show homosexuality, oh no. The rest of the public would have had too much of an uproar over that. The LGBT and their supporters know that, and are working in a rather intelligent way to still push their agenda. Instead they have decided to venture into a whole other realm. That being two different species being “in love” and make it look like it works out just fine. There are several obvious problems with that and some maybe not so obvious.
The most obvious problem to any one who knows how sex works, is just that, how would sex work in those relationships? That is not something I want to go into though. It is not even something people should be worrying about, as it is a perversion. The first and probably most popular example is the donkey and dragon from Shrek 2. There is no way that that “relationship” would work. But not according to Dream Works. They go all the way to show that they can make babies and be a happy family. There are now even costumes of the dragon/ donkey babies that parents can dress their children in, further showing them that it is okay for two different species to get together as long as they are in “love”. What a wonderfully stupid culture we now have.
The next is from the TV series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles airing on Nickelodeon. In Season 4 Episode 12: The Evil of Dregg, Raphael one of the the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is portrayed to be in love with Monet, the salamander princess. At least they are both reptiles, but obviously still different species. Raphael is heartbroken in the middle of the episode when he finds out that Monet has betrayed him and the rest of the Turtles in hopes of saving her planet. She lures the turtles to a foreign planet saying she needed help and that her father was in trouble. Then once they arrive the turtles are captured and the betrayal is revealed. Raphael is so broken that he can’t even fight. Then in the end all is made right again because Monet tells Raphael that she loves him and they kiss and hold hands and forget that anyone else exists. How sweet, right? The sequence of events makes sense and is a common theme that humans deal with in love so its very relatable. This brings me back to how clever the LGBT group is and how they ever so subtly sneak in things that will slowly train our mind to accept it, to be comfortable with it and even support it.
Next and possibly a little more familiar since it has been around the longest out of all the examples given, is Pearl Krabs from Sponge Bob. In Sponge Bob, they do not show different species being in love, but they do show the product of two species that got together if you know what I mean. Peal is the daughter of Krusty Krabs the crab that owns the burger place, but the catch is Peal is a sperm whale. This I find especially interesting that her name is Pearl, because a pearl is the product of a clam or oyster, beautiful and valuable. Pearl Krabs is somewhat of a big deal when she comes to Bikini Bottom (the town where Sponge Bob and friends live) and I guess you could say she is pretty. So, with this example it is telling the viewers, mostly children, that different species can get together and make a family. Translate this into more applicable terms for humans and you get the message that people can fall in love with whoever and still have a family with children and it all will work out just fine.
Lastly I have the example from the movie Madagascar where the hippo and giraffe are lovers. It doesn’t show them to be “married” but more like boyfriend and girlfriend. Now there is a sequel as well with those two, the zebra and of course the lion. When I first watched Madagascar, I thoroughly enjoyed it and didn’t really think anything of it. I did think it odd that the giraffe and hippo were romantic “friends”. Now, as I further examine what is going on I am appalled. I didn’t catch the problem. I accepted it as just a cartoon. Well, that is the dangerous thing about it. People all over the world, most likely, have seen this and watch it over and over. Its funny, fun and clean. Well so everyone thinks. I no longer view this movie as clean or child appropriate. The media is telling children and subtly conditioning them to accept perversions of “love”.
One of the more pressing problems is as the title of this article suggests, what is next? What will we be teaching children is okay next? That question leads me in three different directions, all with disastrous ends.
The first direction I want to look at is the potential to bring in beastiality. I don’t want to look at it first because I necessarily think that it is more relevant than the others, but I do think that it is worse than at least one of the others. I believe our media outlet is going there and much sooner than any of us realize or would like to admit. There is a commercial by Marmot Mountain out door apparel of a man and a beaver camping and doing many fun things together. As the commercial draws to a close they are both gazing into each others eyes as they sit on a rock enjoying the vast beauty of the mountains. Then to really bring it to a booming end, the man, feeling the moment, tries to kiss the marmot which then slaps him and says he or she is not that kind of marmot. While not directed to children and not in a children’s movie or story it is still out there and is the beginning step our media has taken to open the doors to all kinds of evil. To be honest I do not know what message this out door clothing and supply store was trying to display, but whatever it was, failed. I do however believe that they were intentionally displaying a man “falling in love” with an animal. They are going far beyond loving nature and the typical “tree hugger” ideas. They specifically show a man falling in love with an animal and trying to make a move on the poor thing. Apparently the uncut commercial is far worse than the one on television, and has smooching noises going on while a poor woman and her child watch in horror.
Why does this exist? A company spent good money creating this ad. They wanted to get a message out there. I firmly believe it was a message that you can fall in love with whatever you desire at that moment, whether it is another human, no matter the gender or age, or even an animal. There would be no reason to deny a man or woman his or her desires even if it is engaging in sexual relations with an animal, right? They can’t help it that their “heart” longs for an animal, right? Wrong. That is so wrong for so many reasons. Listing those reasons would make for a full article all on it’s own. Thus, the reasons will not be listed here.
The second direction I want to take a look at and I believe is the worst possible thing that can be displayed and accepted, that being pedophilia. If a man can fall in love with a marmot, then why can he not fall in love with a child? There is no reason not to accept it [in the media’s eyes] if the parents consent and the pedophile “loves” the child. After all it would be cruel to deny the pedophile his or her desires he or she can’t control. Doesn’t he or she deserve to experience love as well? NO! The answer is no. They do not. I can expound on that another time if so desired though because that too can become a full length article as well.
As mentioned briefly before, if the parents of the child give their consent what is to stop them? Legally, there will be nothing IF media takes this position and begins showing that love truly makes no sense and anyone can be in love with any one or thing else. I say IF, but be warned it IS coming. There already are psychologists that are of the opinion that homosexuals and pedophiles can’t control themselves and that is their sexual orientation so it is inhumane to deny them of their desires and love. It is only a matter of time, my friends, until the media gets a hold of stories like that coming from the “professionals” and begin to cram it down every man, woman and child’s throat. If that statement brings about many emotions in you, you’re not alone. A sexual orientation is a preference. It is the gender, species, or age someone prefers to be sexually intimate with. Yes, that is controllable and no it should not be allowed. We must protect our children.
The third direction I want to look at is this awful new theme that can and most likely will take place that being “traditional” homosexuality. I believe this while currently the most accepted perversion of sexual intimacy, will be the last to emerge in our children’s movies and stories. I am of that opinion because after displaying the cross species love relationships, and the fact that pedophilia is already on track to next be accepted, homosexuality will seem like baby’s milk compared to them all and will have no problem entering the the screens we all watch. As I state previously, the LGBT group is acting highly intelligently. As long as they are able to cram their agenda down the gaping throats of American’s they don’t mind what course things take to get there.
Then there is one more angle that the LGBT group has taken. In the recent movie Zootopia there is a young fox that just wants to be an elephant when he grows up, so he wears an elephant costume all the time. Well the quote from the police officer bunny says it all. As the bunny places a badge on the fox, wanna be elephant’s, chest she says, “This is Zootopia, where anyone can be anything.” Well my friends this is NOT Zootopia. This is the United States of America; this is the Planet earth. You are what you were born. No amount of “feelings” and surgeries is going to change the person. Sure in America you can conquer brave new worlds, change your genitalia, and set out to pursue happiness however you see fit, ONLY until in encroaches on/ impedes someone else’s pursuit of happiness. However, here in America we can not make opinion fact, and that is exactly what the transgendered group is trying to do. They feel like being the opposite sex, so they are. Well, my friends that is just as ludicrous as saying “I feel like the sky is green, that is my favorite color after all” and then the rest of the American population confirming it and saying, “The sky is whatever color you want it to be, baby! You just feel that way.” I am truly and deeply sorry for the people that feel like they are trapped in the opposite sex’s body. I can’t even imagine what that must feel like. However, what I do know is, people were created to be the sex/ gender that they are for a reason. Let me assure you that reason is not a cruel joke or so that that person can be any part of the LGTB.
It seems as though America is forgetting, maybe willfully, that love is not an emotion we feel for one another. Love is an action we choose to act on or not. Passion is a much better word for the feeling we have for one another. It may be familial or friendly or romantic, passion is a much better word to describe that. I would like to emphasize that love is a choice and an action. We as a people, as a culture and a nation can not be run by emotions. We must be run on morals, standards, and do what is best for the nation as whole. We can not let the few dictate the lives of the many, meaning the few that actually align with the LGBT group dictate the lives of the rest of our nation.
I want to urge everyone that has the slightest problem with any of these topics being accepted to take a stand now. Our country has already started on the path that will lead to all of these topics, being endorsed, taught and accepted. If you are fearful for your children, or even yourself to be in a culture like that then speak out against it now. I urge you, do not partake in any movies or TV series that portrays any message other than that of traditional, one male and one female love stories. Do not own the movies, do not allow them in your homes, and speak out against them when ever you can. Do not let the schools teach your children something you disagree with. You do not have to put up with this. You as an American citizens have every right to make this impossible in your nation, not only do you have the right, but the obligation to protect your children and the children to come. That begins with you taking an active stand against things you disagree with now. Then it goes to how you vote. I encourage you to vote for someone who most closely represents what you believe especially in these areas. As the election process begins, take a long hard look at every individual on the ballot. Become familiar with their stances on these subjects. Are they for these things becoming accepted? Are they neutral? Or do they make a brave stand to keep these perverse topics out of our nation? Remember we must protect our children and we must protect our nation.