This is a continuation of my previous article on being American that touched on some things that attack the American way of life both from within and without. The topic I would like to bring up today is the violent attacks on homosexuals. This is only going to get worse as they are now targets of foreign attacks as well as domestic hate. Now, I want to make it clear from the beginning I do not agree with nor condone the homosexual lifestyle. However, that is hardly the point of this article and should not be the topic of politics today. There are so many lifestyles that are condemned in the Bible that most people tend to forget about in focusing merely on homosexuality. Anyways, I am not writing this to sermonize or get into the theology. I want to bring up that the church doesn’t hate on the rich man who lives a materialistic life style with a half-plastic wife. The church doesn’t badger the gluttonous neighbor at the store that uses the electric-powered shopping cart because burning a few extra calories might literally make their heart explode. No, the church (among others) just hate the homosexual.
My first problem with the church here is how sinfully wrong that it. Christ did not hate the person no matter the sin while, yes, homosexuality is one that attacks Christianity in a big way. That is the very reason though that it must be “combatted” in the most Christ-like manner. We must love the person. That is not loving or even welcoming the person’s actions or lifestyle. My second problem is, again, the blind eye the church turns on the other condemned lifestyles that attack other characteristics of God and Christianity.
Now, as always I have a call to action: If you are a part of the church and don’t like what you have just read, ask yourself why that is. Then examine those above statements with the heart of God. What does the Bible have to say about those topics? About what I just said? Then react.
My plea for America, every citizen, resident, man, woman and child, is to acknowledge the homosexual first and foremost as a person. A human being with life. That person ought to be treated with love, dignity and respect simply because they breathe (Wade A. McNair, PhD.). Now, don’t you go reading into that and say, “well let’s make sure they stop breathing. Then, we don’t have to treat them with respect.” Wrong. Then you become a murder and are (justly) punishable by law. Anyone whom we disagree with their lifestyle still has the right to practice that lifestyle as long as it is not causing any harm to anyone else. Every one legally living here in America has the right to pursue happiness. Don’t be confused: that is not saying everyone has the right to happiness but rather the right simply to pursue it. With that being said, the homosexual community (in America) needs to be accepted as Americans. I do not like the in your face, blasphemous attitude of much of that community anymore than the next average Joe or Saintly Susan. However, that does not give me or anyone else the right to be hateful towards the person or group of people.
Now, I hope the homosexual and the LGBT (and any other letter I left out) will read this article, feel accepted as persons and as Americans and tone down the “in your face” agenda. This article is just as much to them as it is to the other side. They must not try and be divisive just the same as the conservatives and the Church.
I do not care what party you belong to of the aforementioned groups of sentiment (even if it’s neither). I do, however, want and desperately hope that you will hear this and focus on what you can do better in any and all of these regards. We are all responsible for our own actions regardless of how we are treated. Let each man (and woman) be above reproach and act rightly; y’know, do unto others as you would have them do to you? Period.
Something all of these topics have in common (contained in this and my prior article), no matter the audience, is the need for unity and change. Each topic addressed both in this article as well as the previous are attacks on America, both by Americans and from foreign enemies. We Americans must stand together (both the church and the heathen, black and white, gay and straight), change what is wrong and stand united as one. We are but one nation, (yes, under God whether you believe in Him or not) indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We have forgotten much of that (funny how that happens when the nation stops reciting its pledge of allegiance).
Now, what are you going to do about the in-fighting over the things tearing America apart?
[Note from the Copy Editor: the views expressed in this article regarding the homosexual lifestyle are the opinion of the column author. ModState LLC does not support any lifestyle (Christian, Atheist, et al). Rather, it is the opinion of ModState LLC that every individual has the right to choose how they will live their life (without commentary from us). However, ModState LLC does agree with the author in that the violent attacks on the homosexual community ought to cease with all expediency.]
[Note from the Managing Editor: I have elaborated in my personal writing(s) that a representative democracy (Constitutional &/or Federal Republic) cannot hope to forever maintain such values as property rights, individual liberty and freedom from fear of The State without some semblance of the Judeo-Christian instilled into its core fabric as a state. Why? Because even the most cursory of glances at items like Women’s Suffrage, anti-poverty programs and the restoration of full citizenship status to criminals (upon serving their sentence) are concepts that either A) do not exist in other derived values’ systems & surrounding government(s) or B) do not survive very long to the same extent in secular states. Pan-Eastern states (minus, conveniently, The State of Israel) have not held close to their collective bosom anything like the treatment of women you see in greater Western society, for example, without it being bludgeoned into them (see: post-World War II Japan). With that, I do not propose a Fundamentalist approach to American government any more than I approach my colleagues at ModState from a fundamentalist point-of-view. Instead, we maintain dually-imperative ideals according to their classical definitions (liberalism and secularism). To what end am I splitting these fine hairs? By mere practice of that option and the near-impossibility of such exercise in, say, the People’s Republic of China or the Russian Federation, I am then able to rest my case. I need look only gesture to Tiananmen Square (China, circa. 1989) and the punk rock act “Pussy Riot” (Russia, circa. 2012) to cement my position. And no, the latter reference does not constitute an official condemnation of Donald Trump’s recently-surfaced 2005 remarks. Alright, well good day to you, then!]