In a moment of unintended humor, Richard M. Nixon said, “Politics would be a Helluva good business if it weren’t for the g******ed people.” While he likely didn’t realize just how amusing this remark was at the time, even less likely is it that anyone in the room opted to point this out. It was delivered with all the grace of its contents, both being the proverbial equivalent of a nuclear land mine.

Regardless, the point is quite valid in spite of the overkill profanity. While it’s much more valid to the pending discussion on the Executive Office, Nixon also told Ms. Magazine that “I want this to be clear: I don’t want to wake up next to a lady pipefitter.” What in God’s name he was going on about is unclear because I’ve long since hoped to find this interview and add it to my collective of Nixon-related material, but no dice. This is the same man who said that the media was obligated to use a microscope on the POTUS but a proctoscope was going too far, and rightfully so.
Here I’m going to apply the former method as pertains to the twelve Executive Orders issued thus far by the 45th President of The United States of America. If anyone reading this happens to be in direct contact with President Donald J. Trump, be a good sport and remind him of Nixon’s remark on the proctoscope and that ModState is being entirely objective in looking at each EO’s text in full prior to publishing analysis. With that heartwarming bit, I’m going to provide portions of the text relevant to my assessment while also including the links to the White House-published pages of the full texts. That way any questions regarding the fairness of my judgement(s) are being cut off at the pass by way of full disclosure and indiscriminate forthrightness. The commentary of said EO’s will be clearly indicated as such and, yes, I am going to interject some of my own thoughts (which you are free to disregard) but the stated goal here is to discuss the real-world impact of each order in as concise a manner as possible. This is not a hit-piece or a “gotcha” moment where ModState is engaging in any manner of intellectual character assassination of the POTUS. Instead, since very few Americans are likely to have read any of the actual text or anything at all beyond headlines God only knows where, I’d simply like for my fellow citizens to grasp what’s actually been said. This is the aim, as opposed to someone’s “translation” where their own thoughts are grafted onto a bastardized attempt at an essay puked out by some immoral, overpaid scribe in the mainstream media.
With that and no further adieu…
From 20 January, 2017 is the “Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act Pending Appeal.” This order is effectively summarized in the first portion, where the intent to repeal Obamacare is reiterated and that “pending such repeal, it is imperative for the executive branch to ensure that the law is being efficiently implemented, take all actions consistent with law to minimize the unwarranted economic and regulatory burdens of the Act, and prepare to afford the States more flexibility and control to create a more free and open healthcare market.”
There’s no real game afoot here as we all know that Obamacare is in trouble while causing the GOP Congressional majority plenty of grief; President Trump is acknowledging that, if he has it his way, it’s days are numbered and that…something else…will replace it. The more significant impact of the order is contained in the paragraph following this, where it says, “To the maximum extent permitted by law…” the executive heads (department secretaries) are to use “…all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement of the Act…” This is where the real meat is and where some problems have allegedly arisen in that the language of this does lend some wiggle room to government figures from bureaucrats in DC on down to individual State powers to interpret as they will. However, as indicated in the opening of this article, I’m not going to speculate on possibilities by running with paranoia peddled by all manner of actors (in the national theatre of hysteria; Hollywood gets no mention from me).
From 24 January, 2017, the Executive Order issued has the stated purpose of “Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects.” This is followed by statements on how infrastructure investment benefits the overall economy in a variety of ways. While not specifying as much it strongly implies that while central planning is not detrimental to the nation’s infrastructure projects that would benefit the same have been unnecessarily derailed by environmentalist lobbying concerns without, again, specifically calling out the Environmental Protection Agency.
“Federal infrastructure decisions should be accomplished with maximum efficiency and effectiveness, while also respecting property rights and protecting public safety and the environment,” the Order states. Then, using language similar to his first executive order, the President states that in as great a manner as is consistent with existing Federal law that “environmental reviews and approvals for all infrastructure projects, especially projects that are a high priority for the Nation, such as improving the U.S. electric grid and telecommunications systems and repairing and upgrading critical port facilities, airports, pipelines, bridges, and highways.”
In the King’s English, we all remember the ongoing strife throughout (particularly) the latter half of President Obama’s time in office over the Keystone XL pipeline and the recent fiasco surrounding protests at Standing Rock, right? Well, this Executive Order put projects like Keystone on the expressway to approval and being carried out to completion.
The obvious pros here are the creation of jobs, diversification of infrastructure (in terms of what comes from where) and, obviously, giving the private sector a shot in the arm.
The cons are the ongoing Civil Rights crises regarding land that some Americans view as sacred and being unnecessarily subjected to commercial use. Recall that the Supreme Court has long since ruled (well over a decade ago) that imminent domain may be invoked for the benefit of private business concerns. Another item to remember is that the protestors were widely varied in where they came from to express concern over the project (even US military veterans not affiliated with a minority protest group showed up in solidarity).
Take this for what you will, and the next few parts of this series of “specials” will continue quoting the impactful portions from the actual Executive Order texts issued from the White House while offering minimal commentary that attempts to say what areas in which said orders make a dent (or not). At least this way, regardless of whether or not my view on how massive (or minimal) the effects are, you will have it straight from the White House and are not going on gossip or “fake” whatever.