Late last month, I had the opportunity to sit down with someone who might seem straight out of civics class to all sorts of people. Those political thinkers on the left would (and will) likely label Mark Hunter a racist and/or “White Supremacist” while their counterparts on the right wing, if they acknowledge him at all, are more likely to express annoyed indifference.
Is this equal treatment? Is it fair for someone to be immediately relegated to the sidelines as a hateful extremist simply because they’re proud of their European heritage?
These and a few other queries I posed to Mr. Hunter are provided for you below. Please do try and relax, focus and actually read what he is saying. I am by no means weighing in and saying “YES! FINALLY!” nor am I damning his opinion(s). I am, however, asking that no matter who you are, regardless of your station in life and no matter your predisposition on this topic that you keep an open mind in terms of letting the gentleman have “his day”, so to speak. It is, regardless of my personal neutrality on everyone we interview, just as important for a European apologist to be permitted to speak and be heard in a safe, courteous manner as it is Louis Farrakhan.

DeViney, Jonathan D.: Hi and thanks for taking the time to answer a handful of questions. One of your account names seems to refer to your not only being motivated but being motivated as a white person. Care to elaborate?
Hunter, Mark: I’m extremely tired of the anti-White agenda and propaganda that’s all around us nowadays. It’s been this way for quite awhile and has only become worse. Our so called political leaders seem to be okay with embracing every aspect of identity politics when it pertains to non-Whites, but refuse to embrace White identity in any other way other than to tear us down or call us names that they can’t even accurately define without exposing that the ‘names’ don’t actually apply, such as White supremacist. I’m done with that game. I think a lot of us are.
I want to help my people. That’s what motivates me. I want for all of us to know, without any burden of guilt whatsoever, that it’s perfectly acceptable, healthy, and natural to love our race, to fully celebrate it, and to quit letting the media and our now defunct and worthless ‘higher learning’ programs teach us otherwise. We need to stand up for ourselves. We’re the only group not allowed to do this publicly without being labeled in some kind of negative way, and that’s a hypocritical double standard that needs to come to an end.
DeViney: I’m sure you’re aware that the first thing probably half of the people who read this will automatically assume (before even reading a single word) is that you’re a “white supremacist”, a “racist” and who knows what other awful label that many, especially of the younger (under 30-ish) crowd don’t even understand. Why do you think that is?
Hunter: First, I’d like to say that I think a lot of the White under 30-ish crowd is more aware and awake than people realize when it comes to White identity, but I do know what you mean when you ask this, because a lot of young people are oblivious to facts, actual definitions, and deep cogitation based on facts instead of emotions.
Western society has been brainwashed by extreme propagandists for a very long time. Most Whites are terrified to show any pride in their people or their race because of these ridiculous labels and the propagandists know this. They’re seeing these words lose their power lately and it terrifies them, because without them, they have to resort to facts and engage in discussions that they can’t usually win without utilizing these fictitious ad hominem attacks as a means of some sort of ‘moral’ superiority and thereby magically allowing them to discredit us.
I’ve never met a White supremacist, nor am I one. That would mean that I think Whites are superior to all other races in every way, and that’s just not the case. Asians on average have a higher IQ than Whites. If I were a White supremacist, that would also mean that I want to rule over all other races and that’s not true either. I don’t want to rule over other races any more than I want them to rule over me.
The simple fact of the matter is that the people who so often use these terms are either completely ignorant as to what they mean, or are using them intentionally (knowing full well that they aren’t really applicable) to take advantage of their negative connotation in order to dismiss us.
They’re just words and the first step to getting past this tactical word warfare as a White person is to completely stop caring when they’re used on you, thereby dismissing them in return.
DeViney: As we discussed on Twitter, in America it is okay for a black person to be proud of their African or Caribbean (or whatever) heritage. It’s acceptable for a Korean or their rivals of Japanese descent to be proud of their cultural achievements, historical figures from their culture, etc. Granted there’s only the three truly distinct races (before you get into hybrids like Mexicans & we’ll just leave that alone) of Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid(sp?), and then all manner of ethnic groups disseminated from there. About the only Caucasian (or “white”, in this country) ethnic groups that may express any real sorts of pride here to a limited extent are the Jews (who, while Caucasian per the Census Bureau, even a lot of their fellow Caucasians despise) and the Italians. Why is there this feeling where if you don’t hate being white you must be a white supremacist?

Hunter: We’re held to higher standards than everybody else. Every race has done horrible things, but people focus on the things that Whites have done way more than they do any other race. No one really blames Turkey for their history of colonization or genocide. You don’t hear the expression ‘Turk Privilege’ or hear about Turk guilt. All races have participated in slavery, but no one really blames any other race, even though some are still practicing slavery to this day. We ended slavery and we rarely get credit for that.
We’re held accountable for things that other races have done, or are continuing to do to this very day, and I think part of the reason we’re not allowed to show pride in our race is because we’re badasses. We’re amazing. We’ve done incredible things, remarkable things, and a lot of people hate us for it.
Globalists also want to conquer us and they’ve been working on it for a long time. If Whites wake up to how amazing we truly are and quit apologizing (stupidly) for being amazing, then globalists will have a harder time beating us. So, they continue to bash us every chance they get, to put us down, to attack us, and to punish any of us that ‘get out of line’ and show any kind of pride in our race. They love to do this publicly too so that they can instill fear in anyone thinking of breaking free.
DeViney: I’m sure you’ve been lumped in there with this guy before, but someone whose name has been in the news again recently: former Louisiana state representative David Duke. I personally am from Louisiana (having been born in Metairie, an unincorporated section of the Greater New Orleans Area, and we’re so sick to death of him being the only reason our state came up until primary day. That said, while I’m uneducated on his past and have read a couple of his essays, for instance, do you not find it fascinating that the vast majority of Americans just keep running on the treadmill at the YMCA in the morning or afternoon and whenever they’re at work again automatically launch into a discussion of, “Oh Duke? Oh yeah he’s a racist!” Is that not troublesome? Not the notion of him being a known racist but that, again particularly the younger crowd, they don’t even ask anymore?

Hunter: Absolutely. It is troublesome and it’s completely insane, but it’s not just the younger crowd. The older crowd sold them that narrative. I’ll freely admit that I know very little about David Duke, but I absolutely know he was in the KKK. Mind you, it was many, many years ago, and it was in a nonviolent way, but still, the mainstream media and other people around me have made sure to point out his KKK involvement — over and over and over and over again.
When the media started in recently on Duke endorsing (which I don’t think he fully did) Donald Trump, and Trump disavowed him numerous times, they continued to push the issue over and over again. That was 100% intentional on their part. It’s what they do. I’ve never known anyone involved in the KKK and I personally would never be involved in it, but the mainstream media sure make it seem like membership is booming and the KKK is extremely active, which I don’t believe at all, and neither do most of the manipulative news organizations and people pushing that narrative either.
This is the same media and the same people that speak highly of gang members, killers, drug dealers, etc. as long as those people say that they’ve changed their ways and are now focusing on better things. Then all of a sudden, they become heroes, role models, but not David Duke. Nope. No way. He was in the KKK. Had he been in MS-13 and actually hurt people and then changed his life to accomplish the things he has now, he’d be known as an amazing individual.
The interesting part about all that is after the Duke/Trump thing, I watched a video of Duke explaining his position and found him to be extremely articulate, intelligent, well spoken, and logical. I’m sure his enemies are grateful for his past, because now they can write him off instantly and get lots of others (non-thinkers) to follow suit. If people actually took some time to listen to him, they might find themselves agreeing with some of what he says. Good thing we can just call him a White supremacist and move on, right?
DeViney: Sure, we’re a 60-ish percent majority in the United States. Worldwide, however, Europe aside, Caucasians are a minority. We’re not talking Christianity here, which is the world’s largest religion, shaped Europe and thus the U.S., thus the rest of the world…I mean, to cut through the fat, Caucasians. White people. So why the seeming knowing mislabeling by the American media and almost willful misunderstanding, even by whites in this country, particularly on the left?
Hunter: I’m amazed with how many people don’t know that Whites are actually a global minority and very few people are offering to step up and educate them about it. If they did, it would break down the narrative. We might even turn the tables on them completely. Their double standards and hypocrisy are mind blowing and the fact that so many Whites do it too makes me believe that a lot of them are just so brainwashed and screwed up by a constant anti-White agenda that they’re incapable of logic and reasoning. I think virtue signaling, as disgusting as it is, also plays a huge part.
DeViney: Speaking of the left…even conservatives, moderates, etc. Basically every single white person I’ve ever known acknowledges things like slavery and The Holocaust to be massive evils. No man should own another man, and there’s no need to even begin a description of what Adolf Hitler did. I don’t know (and therefore don’t associate with) any neo-Nazis or other White Supremacist group(s)…but why is it that the leftist whites have to take it a whole level lower, it seems, in not only acknowledging our sins as a race but basically wanting to degrade and destroy their own race? Doesn’t it seem that way?
Hunter: Not only does it seem that way, it is that way. I find myself wondering why so many White people want to destroy their race. I can’t understand it at all. Their level of self-hate must be completely maxed out. What I do know is that I don’t trust most of our perceived history, because I think it’s in the hands of terrible people. If I’ve learned anything so far in life, it’s that there are pluses and minuses to almost every situation and a lot of people struggle with comprehending that, let alone what they are. Whenever I hear the Holocaust mentioned now, I instantly find myself thinking of the Holodomor as well.

DeViney: Speaking of Hitler…that’s a perfect caveat into a general, macro-race question here: so Caucasians/Europeans (i.e., “whites”) have had figures belonging to their race to have committed horrible crimes against humanity, y’know, genocide, and so on and so forth…Adolf Hitler (Germany), Joseph Stalin (Russia) and more recently Slobodan Milošević (Serbia)…and I don’t look at crimes, at sins, in that particular way, like a “white” sin, but you sure hear a lot of race when it comes to crime and punishment, especially. I just wasn’t raised by parents like that in a family who have always fully embraced a city that, sure, has its’ faults, but by and large New Orleans is a home to all who want to be a part of something special, that “melting pot”, the Western European city nestled in the Gulf South…well if we step out of that viewpoint and take that whole, “white” crime v everybody else, which when you think of it that way is retarded, but Africa? The Zulus? The Carthaginians? Many slaves became such in the Western world due to one tribe conquering another and part of the victor’s method of finance was selling some (if not all) prisoners-of-war into slavery. Well who’s the worse criminal? The personal who sells the slave or the person who buys it? More recently, Boko Haram and the undeniably wicked genocide and murderous brutality towards Christians, women, children…it’s unconscionable…turn East to Asia, where there’s Genghis Khan, the many (too many to list, obviously) brutal and ruthless Chinese dynasties who maintained power in a way Machiavelli would’ve recoiled to hear recounted, then of course more recently the NVA and their methods of maintaining power in Vietnam, the Japanese and the atrocities committed during their invasion of China during World War Two, and, how could we forget, Tiananmen Square protests of 1989…mortifying incident(s). I’ve just rattled off some of the darkest events in human history, recounted more industriously only by Mick Jagger in his lyrics for “Sympathy for The Devil”…and yet, to hear it told in this country, it’s “The White Devil”…any thoughts?

Hunter: People love to blame Whites for everything. It makes it easier for them to destroy us and that’s precisely what a lot of them want to do. That’s the plan. A lot more Whites need to wake up and see the gravity of our situation. If they don’t, then all of us are going to lose. Our children will lose. Do they really deserve to live in countries where they’re despised and hated? I don’t think so.
DeViney: Y’know, and I hate this kind of talk with the world because it’s like, where does this lead? Nowhere. It’s not going to heal the country. It’s not going to impede the mass incarceration of any group. It’s not going to soften the hearts of (some, yes, trigger-happy) police. It’s not going to extend the life of the average black male. But it continues. I read on’s soccer boards a few weeks ago, a young black man made the admittedly-flawed point that if only America’s biggest stars in sports played soccer we’d win the World Cup. Obviously there’s a lot more to it than that, but before most got to address him a young white man asserts, “Well if it’s about blacks playing soccer why hasn’t an African nation ever advanced beyond the Quarter-Finals [the 2st of 4 knockout rounds plus the group stage with three games] at the tournament?” That also is a useless point considering the opportunities and resources that other areas have to develop, learn and play the game versus huge portions of the African continent still in pre-industrialization mode. However, neither is the point! Why is this sort of societal poison so common? And do you see an end to it?
Hunter: I think it’s a valid point. Yes, there are resources and opportunities and yes, that makes it easier for people that have those at their disposal, but why do those exist? They exist because White people made it happen, and now we’re supposed to pretend we’re not great, that we’re not amazing, that we’re not incredible, and I’ve just had enough of it. Being humble is one thing. Being led to feel guilty for being great is a form of mental illness. It’s sick. It’s weak and I want nothing further to do with it.
The ‘societal poison’ you’re speaking of us is common because we’re all different. Races are different and far too many people want to act like that’s not the case, that race is a social construct, and that’s just asinine. The fact that we’re being forced to live together in multiculturalism and diversity is killing us. It leads to constant conflict. Lots of people don’t want to openly admit this, but it’s the truth.
Will it end? Probably not until we’re all so blended together that we lose all that we have and are, and that’s precisely what globalists want and fantasize about ( I on the other hand do not, and I know I’m not alone when I say that.
DeViney: In closing, have you ever noticed that the bulk of the people who attempt to make you feel bad for feeling good about your European roots are white? How most black people don’t really voice any angst about statements like, “I just loved visiting my roots in England” or “being French can be kinda cool sometimes…such a beautiful language” and I know those are lame examples, but have you noticed it’s majority whites and a few “civil rights leaders” who stand to profit from racial hatred (Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, et al) who make these statements?
Hunter: After opening the @WhiteMotivation account, the negative feedback has made me realize that Whites and non-Whites both actively participate in that game. I do find that more Whites say things overall though. I think a lot of weaker Whites virtue signal regularly. It’s truly a vile act.
DeViney: If you could say anything, ONE brief statement to the non-white peoples of America on race and America and how it all ties together going forward; to all of them at once and it were possible that all would hear you and take in whatever you say (nice concept for any critical thinker, no?) what would you say and, if applicable, why?
Hunter: I don’t want to rule over you anymore than I want you to rule over me. I don’t expect you to bow down to me and I sure as hell am not going to bow down to you either. I don’t think we can fix the race relation issues or cultural conflicts we have in a way that is going to truly be healthy for most of us and appease a lot of us without some form of balkanization. I’d like to think we can resolve these issues peacefully, but I’m not sure that’s realistic anymore. I’d like it to be though.