To say something needs no introduction begs the question, “So, why the [expletive deleted] are you introducing it, then?!” As a bastion of the independent media, however, with an escalating audience (you know who you are), we’re cognizant of both our unorthodoxy and the disquiet it might cause.
A quick glance around the editorial side of ModState will show a dedication to our craft, which includes a serious commitment to principles, facts and getting to the proverbial crux of the macroeconomic and sociopolitical issues that keep us awake nights. What we do not take seriously, conversely, is ourselves. We take the cause and our craft, wielded in commitment to the same, quite gravely. But ourselves? One need only look for blistering examples from the author of this very article trolling ModState on our 2nd and 3rd anniversaries. Quoth former Senator John Edwards (D-NC), “But why?!”
Because our being able to vacillate between the serious, trolling and then self-deprecation, augmented by an indefatigable sense of style and having nothing to lose? Well, to the logo-less mainstream media (unless you count solely your name as a logo), they don’t know if that’s more confusing or dangerous. But for our discerning listeners and readers, the answer is a clear and present, “Yes!”
Rock & Roll, J. DeViney
Ah, perspective…
President John Adams to Face Impeachment
08 June, 1800, BULLETIN!!! Former President George Washington’s papers, recently sorted and filed in the new Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., said to contain letters condemning President Adams’ “Alien and Sedition Acts.” This, coming in concert with outcries from erstwhile-compatriot Federalists James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, The U.S. House of Representatives has been forced to begin impeachment hearings, expected to begin Monday. Charges against the President will be difficult to refute, say James Callender of the Richmond Examiner, Matthew Lyon of the Vermont Journal, and Benjamin Franklin Bache, editor of the revered Philadelphia Aurora, the nation’s leading news source of record. These influential voices are united in their message that they have more than 200 witnesses ready to testify against the sitting president and his illegal and unconstitutional activities, which resulted in many innocent men being detained, jailed, and ruined politically and financially.
“Man of the People” to be Impeached by People’s Representatives
08 June, 1834, EXCLUSIVE!!! Streets of Washington, D.C. filled with the same violently exercised mob which once hailed the “Hero of New Orleans” as their savior only six short years ago, now screaming for his head. The great Horace Greeley and his New York Tribune admits in an editorial to be published tomorrow morning: JACKSON ON HIS WAY OUT! The seeds of discontent seem to have begun being sewn on Inauguration Day, February 11, 1829, when the President-Elect refused to meet with his predecessor, John Adams, then forced the resignation of his entire cabinet over a barmaid, Peggy Eaton, not being accepted in polite society. President Jackson’s newly-named “Kitchen Cabinet” is now seen as it was and is: a violation of Constitutional norms and an impeachable offense! The Indian Removal Act of four years ago, now in full force, has meant the shattering of the Treaty of Payne’s Landing and the Treaty of Cusseta, among others, along with the rejection of the opinion of the United States Supreme Court itself in Worcester v. Georgia. Former Jackson ally George Briggs speaks to the New York Tribune, saying the president’s claim that there was “nothing to enforce” in the Worcester decision is clear evidence of an illegal and alien force operating in the White House, which must be brought to heel through impeachment. Newly-minted Postmaster General Barry predictably calls these charges “ridiculous,” but spoils system benefactors such as Mr. Barry are hardly to be paid attention in the face of the overwhelming support among states such as South Carolina, whose recent victory over the 1828 Tariff bill spelled the death nell of Jackson’s Southern power base. Hounded by John Calhoun and even former president James Monroe, “None can doubt that only Andrew Jackson’s removal or abdication can save our Union,” says Greeley. Proceedings to begin in the House of Representatives when it reconvenes early next week.
Former Compromise Candidate Now Condemned
08 June, 1860, FLASH!!! Inexplicably, even in light of the eminent removal of our sitting president through the exercise of franchise upcoming in November of this year, the U.S. House of Representatives, under the leadership of William Pennington, Whig Republican of New Jersey, have begun impeachment proceedings against James Buchanan. Shocked and saddened by the news, the president has withdrawn to the White House, comforted only by his adopted daughter, Harriet Lane. The dissolution of the Union seemingly upon us, President Buchanan is being held accountable for a movement which seems to have begun with the Whiskey Rebellion and came almost to a head as recently as 1832 in South Carolina with successful nullification of federal law. Buchanan’s Jacksonian supporters abandoning him as a Republican sympathizer, the merchant class in the North are equally unsatisfied with his “relief without reward” programs, though these legislative efforts put $17 million in the pockets of these industrialists and has bankrupted the treasury. Unless the president’s Mormon allies procreate in even more rabbit-esque fashion than is usual, the expected State of Utah will be unable alone to save this Chief Executive from the guillotine. It is no secret that Representative John Covode has long sought to move his committee toward recommending impeachment, and now, with the sudden vigorous support of Southern Democrats, it is abundantly clear that the only unifying issue in this nation, from bleeding Kansas to war-ravaged Missouri to confused and confiscated Nebraska is the IMPEACHMENT OF BUCHANAN!
America OUT of “League,” Wilson OUT of Job
08 June, 1919, THIS JUST IN!!! As President Wilson, fresh from his signing of the oft-scorned Treaty of Versailles, tours his own nation, the rumbling in Washington has become a full-blown thunderclap of disdain and indignation. Indignation…and IMPEACHMENT! The American dove of peace has shown itself too small to carry the olive branch—nay, LOG—born home by our wartime president. The League of Nations was to be the crown jewel in Wilson’s long career as historian and author. In Congressional Government, Wilson foresaw Europe’s troubles, but his “Fourteen Points” failed to predict a fifteenth: Hearings in the House of Representatives. These hearings hold him personally responsible for the 117,000 dead American young men in Europe. Missouri’s James Beauchamp Clark has already referred impeachment discussions to the Judiciary Committee and Democrat Chairman Edwin Webb. The upcoming Chairman, Republican James Volstead, has yet to take a firm stand on impeachment, although little love is lost between Volstead and Wilson, over the president’s handling of issues arising from Prohibition. In a surprisingly aggressive move, Democrat Whip J. Hamilton Lewis in the Senate has already assured that, upon receiving the declaration of impeachment, the Senate would move quickly to convict and remove President Wilson from office, for, “corruption, high crimes, and incompetence.” A surprise statement of support for this action has even come from Minority Leader Henry Cabot Lodge, positioning himself, no doubt, for a run at the presidency himself as Republican candidate in 1920. As the president works himself to exhaustion crisis-crossing the countryside, it remains to be seen if the crowds he entertains come out to witness the remaking of international relations, or simply the remains of a man soon to see his precious Treaty defeated in the Senate, and his hopes for remaining in the White House dashed…and that right soon.