We the millennials of this great nation are succumb to the flaws of human nature. Our red, white, and blue guts remind us how hungry we are for the truth. While our starving minds spiral into an interconnected network of social dysfunction and nonsensical moral fabrications. In times like these, where the sheep are the majority and money is their Shepard, we all need to embrace the wolf.
To become the wolf, one must close the book. Open the window and smell the fresh air. Understand that we are living, breathing, free thinking bodies with expanding noggins and working hands. This country needs each and every one of us. Don’t think for a second that you don’t matter. The individual is more vital than ever in modern society. We all have a voice that can be read and heard. Shared and reposted. We can post videos and petition online. Starting a community movement amongst friends. Natural born leaders can no longer go untested. The outlets are at our fingertips and all you have to do is type or hit record.
Ah, Philadelphia. I wonder If they have Freedom…
The system has lead us to believe that our vote does not count. That is complete and utter treason. It is what some would call our God given or unalienable rights. A right that men and women have fought to maintain for us and our children. In that regard, we should not turn a blind eye and utilize our powers. It is obvious that the establishment has the upper hand and can use their wallets to persuade lobbyists and Wall Street to bend the media’s will. That excuse does not apply in the golden age of Internet. We no longer have to listen to the propaganda of the televised news networks. We can simply tune out and begin our search for the truth. We can work together and find credible sources of others like us. The key is to stay informed and stay motivated. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by and take charge of your country. The future is us and the actions we take to shape our nation back to the form our founding fathers envisioned.
And somewhere, weeping in the still of the night, came bleating The Carpenters’ “We’ve Only Just Begun”
The following contains references to articles published by ModState over the past two years. If you don’t get it, then you didn’t read it. Tradition tells us this is our “cotton” anniversary, so if something sounds offensive, or racist, or derisive of a contributor, you’re a moron with cotton brains. Or you didn’t read the article(s) referenced. If you still don’t like what you hear, stick cotton in your ears.
And enjoy.
Quite less than a score* and a few months or so ago (30 April, 2016), our ModState fathers, DeViney and “staff” [creative name for more DeViney] brought forth on the World Wide Web a new concept, conceived in the rights of “these United States” (Dude, the Civil War is over. It’s “The United States.” Sheesh!) and dedicated to NeoSpeak (“Newspeak”), the hypocrisy of boycotts, and the belief that all versions of Trump’s Wall are created equal to the task of pissing off law enforcement in Arizona.
Now we are engaged in a great Civil War. A war over documents, a war over election interference. A war testing what the hell Devin Nunes (R-CA) was thinking getting into that limo to begin with. A war testing whether Lily Eldeen can single-handedly change the voting age, and whether Political Beast is named as a rip-off of the Daily Beast, or simply a mistype of “political beat” that no one ever thought to correct. Whatever. We are met on this, the “cotton” anniversary of ModState, on what is seen as a great battlefield of fake news vs. bold truth. We are come, fully-clothed in cotton polos, to dedicate a large portion of this site as the final repository of the ideas and inspirations of the contributors and columnists with whom ModState works. It is altogether irritating and frustrating to our editors to have to fix these articles before publication, but hey, shit happens.
“Nobody wails more sincerely than me, I can tell you that. Many, many people tell me this. Believe me.”
But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground, not with all the cotton seed in the world. Not this, or the ground in Flint, Michigan Teresa Leary wept for in her 2017 article. Or the rainbow-colored ground of American diversity described by Anny Hughes. The brave men like Al Eldeen, risking insanity slogging through an exhaustive examination of our Constitution’s amendments, or DeViney and Wellein producing studio-quality podcasts, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say in this anniversary piece, but they will never forget the restraint we all showed in not saying what the Hell we really thought in the midst of this fiasco some dare label an administration.
They tried telling DeViney back in 2009 he wasn’t present for the aftermath of Watergate. He didn’t believe the blonde, and he doesn’t believe us. C’est la vie.
It is rather for us, the moderately sane, cotton-loving “staff” of ModState to be here dedicated to the unfinished work of finding sources like the eminent Mitch Tyner and the great Geoff Shepard to open to the people the truth about the causes and catastrophes men like this have witnessed in the struggles they so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us. It is rather for us that in these articles we gain a real sense of devotion in DeViney’s play-by-play of Trump’s inevitable debate against Biden or Sanders in 2020, of interest in whom Gabe Coker will suggest as a laughable third option the night before the election; and of inquiry, as we wonder when Wellein is going to finally convince DeViney that our managing editor didn’t actually live through the Watergate break-in. And all that aside, that we here highly resolve that these articles should not have been written, edited, and published in vain. That this current events site, under brash, unapologetic and disrespectful leadership, shall have a new birth of offensive bravery. More Vietnam, more Nixon v. Kennedy, more stuff apparently fabricated somewhere in Babylon. That this magazine of the truth, by the truth, and for the truth, shall not perish from the Earth without cotton…the fabric of our lives.
* = Upon receipt, DeViney asked, “Score? Who’s scoring here? What and when do they score? Nobody tells me anything.”
If one good turn truly deserves another (as the timeless axiom goes), then it’s no small feat that Washington D.C. manages to accomplish anything at all. The plot has thickened and twisted and turned over the past year-plus (before the 30 April, 2016 official launch of ModState) in a mind-numbing array of shocks that often are no longer considered as much.
Case in point? While I follow this perennial trainwreck on a level almost worthy of the label “hourly” I still can’t quite surmise what in God’s name is going on with the House Intelligence Committee in terms of the Chairman’s motivation, why the POTUS would encourage Gen. Flynn to seek immunity, and why the MSM (mainstream media) persists in yet another round of “Handwriting On the Wall” predictions about the demise of Donald J. Trump that ought hold no more weight. Ever. Why?
To each: if Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was attempting to “help” the President (as he has been “charged” by the pan-PR firm of the Democratic Party, also known as “The Mainstream Media”) he certainly has a funny way of showing it. While it’s difficult to surmise a willing member of the President’s transition team would deliberately aim to hurt the Executive Office, several items offering more clarity include that ruling out the involvement of President Obama and not denying the FBI’s non-involvement are not only items that don’t help Trump but, regardless of tactical missteps, Rep. Nunes clearly must be granted the benefit of the doubt here. He’s amongst the more reserved, non-inflammatory members of both Houses of Congress and has more than ample support (including prior colleagues and supporters) back home in Central Valley California stating clearly that Nunes is not the type to commit an act of such marked importance out of a desire for publicity. The man has hardly made news since being appointed by former House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to his current post as said Intel Committee Chairman.
Next, when the Feds offer someone immunity, it can implicate guilt or a desire to simply offer protection and/or reassurance to a potential whistleblower in exchange for valuable testimony. There are several, well-documented examples of this in the nonstop revolving door of names involved in the Clinton E-mail/Clinton Foundation debacles. In this case, however, that Gen. Flynn (USA ret.) is openly seeking immunity on his own would constitute “strange” handily. Add to it the even more bizarre note that President Trump is openly encouraging Flynn to do so and there’s more questions than answers (again). First, let’s get this out of the way in that yes, when you seek immunity, more often than not it’s (to one degree or another) an acknowledgement of guilt. While it could be for protection or reassurances in exchange for testimony, again, that tends to pertain to individuals the government has sought out, and not the other way around. That someone as high-profile as Flynn would not even attempt to hide his tactical decision-making is, again, odd but the greatest quandary of them all: why would President Trump give such a move by Flynn two thumbs-up, particularly after the equally-bizarre move of labeling his own White House as being under siege similar to Watergate. And, no hyperbole here, the POTUS actually namedropped Watergate…on his own administration.
In a quick close to this short, while I successfully “called” The Rust Belt for Trump (joining Michael Moore in so doing), I’ll refrain from predicting invincibility here while making a very clear assertion: the media (especially of the mainstream variety) needs to learn from recent history replete with examples of the laughability of calling Trump’s time limited or issuing clarion calls, warning of his “undoubtedly” imminent demise. The truth is, we’ve been listening to the same talking heads issue failed memo after disingenuous full-frontal public vomit following each seeming outrage (“bleeding from her wherever”, “Little” Marco, “Lyin’ Ted,” “Crooked” Hillary, “grab ‘em by the” [meow], et al]. As much as the MSM (again, the DNC’s own PR firm) would love to be correct once a decade, they may have to wait awhile longer as pertains to the current POTUS because, sure, we quip “where there’s smoke there’s fire.” But in the case of the MSM and the Teflon Donald, they might better serve their egos and collective reputations (all the better for holiday cocktail season) by acknowledging the stunning repeal of the Propaganda Act (and it being hidden in the military budget of 2013, no less) and the frightening divesture of central control over the privacy of, yes, private citizens behind what looks like the biggest smokescreen of all time.
Until there is a smoking gun (never seen one; always a caterpillar or some maladjusted Berkeley “Bro” I see smoking) that the media is failing to find out of love for Trump, give it a rest. Nobody in the MSM cared about Uranium One’s significant (as in $30+ million) investment in the Clinton Foundation, and that’s troublesome given their status as a Russian oligarchy puppet corporation.
Why not talk about all of this instead of just some of it? I hate repeating myself and so I’ll let everyone off for the day (provided good behavior) if you’ll only recall who I’ve kindly reminded e’rr’body just who handles the DNC’s PR. Au revoirs!
While our pending press release and corporate strategy announcement with upstate New York’s OverWatch Productions LLC is very much on the way today (as promised), every now and then we crank out a good hashtag for dispersal on the blogosphere and/or social media circuit/circus, so here you are:
#TheTruthIsANiche which is, yes, a phrase recently uttered by yours truly in response to “Project Disneyland-on-Acid” (also known colloquially as “political journalism”) and the theme of a pending column and podcast. That, however, is the subject very much in the same vein as our accord with OverWatch.
In the meantime, please don’t say I never gave you anything, folks, because that hashtag’s up there with the paired #KeepingUpWithTheKardashians #WhileRomeBurns but much simpler to pull off. Happy Trolling!