Speaker of The House
Fabriquè en Babylon: Let Us See The Legacy

In one of his finer moments in repose, Mick Jagger remarked, “Only a madman or an actor would want to be President of The United States.” Well,
SPECIAL: Election Day Update(s)
Good evening (thus far): no mass reports of voter intimidation, no reports of Russian hacks (or any other hacks, for that matter) and with the first
State of Mind: American (Part 2)
This is a continuation of my previous article on being American that touched on some things that attack
House GOP launch new website in Election Year Agenda Rollout

Today marks the official launch of “A Better Way” by The House GOP, a six
Trouble Ahead for Speaker Ryan & Good Vibes in The House
Saturday, 13 February, 2016
At a House GOP conference yesterday, the peacemaking sentiment(s) heretofore expressed by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI)