US House
Political Beast: Justin Amash and Why He Left The GOP Oh, the big "WHY?!"

Justin Amash, Representative, 3rd Congressional District, Michigan, announced in an open letter on Independence
The Living and The Dead: Dystopia as Pastime [or: “The Road to Megiddo”]

If you’re awake and at all oriented to the world at large, you needn’t go far from the comforts of your mobile phone, laptop or television-hub
EDITORIAL: Don’t Eat The Rich
This becomes irresponsibility, this relentless notion of “progressives” that life can be perfectly equitable and fair if only the central (Federal) government
NeoSpeak: Flynn-again, Intel and Greatest Smokescreen of All Time(?)
If one good turn truly deserves another (as the timeless axiom goes), then it’s no small feat that Washington D.C. manages to accomplish anything
Podcast Response to POTUS Trump’s Address to Joint Session of U.S. Congress

In what is far and away our shortest
SPECIAL: POTUS Trump’s Executive Orders 3 & 4
Fabriquè en Babylon: Let Us See The Legacy

In one of his finer moments in repose, Mick Jagger remarked, “Only a madman or an actor would want to be President of The United States.” Well,
ModState “Thanks[for]giving” Podcast
Well, well, well! We’re rapidly approaching the most significant season in Christendom, that of the season of the Mass of Christ, i.e., Christmas,
SPECIAL: Election Day Update(s)
Good evening (thus far): no mass reports of voter intimidation, no reports of Russian hacks (or any other hacks, for that matter) and with the first
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #3 Judge’s Ballot

For what feels like the better part of an aeon, a near equally-endless array of the vile punditry and our hapless American citizenry have watched