Federal Elections
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #3 Judge’s Ballot

For what feels like the better part of an aeon, a near equally-endless array of the vile punditry and our hapless American citizenry have watched
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #2 Judge’s Ballot
“’Tawdry,’” my Uncle Zip began, “is the word for it, I believe.” The Donald arrived at the scene of the 2nd Presidential Debate
Executive Completion: the Anti-Vote Election
I am incredibly disheartened. I have sat through two presidential debates and one Vice Presidential debate and I hear more insults than I do specifics
Executive Completion: Aristocracy
In each of the articles that I have written so far for ModState I have brought up America’s Founding Fathers. I’ve done
SPECIAL: Diatribe – Are These Really Our Choices?
Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? Is the state of our current political system unable to provide any other choices? The debate on September 26, 2016,
Executive Completion: Lobbying Run Riot
Executive Completion: Campaign Finance
My son started school this week. I sat down and went through all of his paperwork, compiling a list of what he would need for each class,
Executive Completion: Is The Electoral College the Will of the People or a Farce?
Each time I think about going to vote this November I feel a curious mixture of pride and sadness. As an American, I am truly blessed. Citizens
The Lost Cause of The GOP & The Jewish Vote in 2016
It’s another election year (2016, this time) and the question again arises, “Will Jews switch to voting Republican this year?”
They haven’t,
A Jew Complains: We Millenials
[Note from the Exec. Ed: “This article missed our own promotional deadline, a timetable of 9pm Pacific, because of issues with the Wi-Fi