Federal Elections
Gonzo State: [Untitled] Meanwhile, in America...

“Bentley! Bentley. I suggest…I suggest that you do something different with your life right now.” This instruction was delivered by
Fabriqué en Babylon: Mueller’s Brass Tacks Vol. 2

Beyond the distinct possibility being the more innocuous explanation previously stated by the Special Counsel himself, the assertion that McGhan is beyond reproach, that he had “no motive to lie or
Fabriqué en Babylon: Mueller’s Brass Tacks Vol. 1

Quite a few million taxpayer dollars, countless hurt feelings and one slightly disgruntled POTUS later, I had my chance at last to consume the report of The Special Counsel, one Robert S. Mueller III.
Executive Completion: American Scandal Primer Part One

Yuri Kadobnov/AFP/Getty Images
As I began research for this article, I couldn’t help but take a closer look at the last few scandals that rocked
Political Beast: Two-Year (Cotton Anniversary) Retrospective

The following contains references to articles published by ModState over the past two years. If you don’t get it, then you didn’t read it. Tradition tells
ModState’s 1st Podcast of 2017 Part Two: Trump Campaign Surrogate Mitchell Tyner, Sr., Returns

True to his sterling form as both an overt Southern gentleman coupled with being a tremendous financial
SPECIAL: Election Day Update(s)
Good evening (thus far): no mass reports of voter intimidation, no reports of Russian hacks (or any other hacks, for that matter) and with the first
Political Beast: And Then There Were…Three?
This is a quick look at the way the battle sits as we begin the day that selects our next Commander in Chief. The electoral map as Political Beast sees it. And a potential
Executive Completion: the Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil
![[cartoon from The Saturday Evening Post]](https://www.modstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/saturdayeveningpostdotcom.jpg)
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb
voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
– Benjamin Franklin-