Justice Department
SPECIAL: Open Letter to President Trump from Staff Writer Teresa Leary
Dear President Donald J. Trump,
When I began to think about what I’d write in this letter, I paused briefly. Although I am an honest, outspoken person
Addendum: the 13th Amendment
I am not in the business of film review. Our editorial staff here at ModState has established this as an uncompromising policy position.
ModState “Thanks[for]giving” Podcast
Well, well, well! We’re rapidly approaching the most significant season in Christendom, that of the season of the Mass of Christ, i.e., Christmas,
Executive Completion: Social Justice

In the household I grew up in feminism was as much a part of the daily routine as was breathing. Perceptions about equality were quite specific but
Political Beast: “Shoot” versus “Shot”

I’ve spent the last several weeks investigating the issue of police violence, specifically when it results in death. I’ve sat through
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #3 Judge’s Ballot

For what feels like the better part of an aeon, a near equally-endless array of the vile punditry and our hapless American citizenry have watched
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #2 Judge’s Ballot
“’Tawdry,’” my Uncle Zip began, “is the word for it, I believe.” The Donald arrived at the scene of the 2nd Presidential Debate
State of Mind: American (Part 2)
This is a continuation of my previous article on being American that touched on some things that attack
Interview: On POTUS Nixon with Mr. Geoff Shepard, Esq.

DeViney, Jonathan D.:First and foremost, Mr. Shepard, on behalf of the staff and readership of ModState, thank you
Executive Completion: Campaign Finance
My son started school this week. I sat down and went through all of his paperwork, compiling a list of what he would need for each class,