Department of Homeland Security
Contrast: Black Lives Matter v. All Lives Matter (et al) BLM meets ALM, etc., in this series pilot; Michael DeViney, Jr., marks his editorial debut with the rebuttal in the 2nd half of the piece.

Black Lives Matter: Let’s cut through the fat together, shall we? Yes or yes? Good. With that, we have a problem in America.
Political Beast: Democratic Debate Night 1 Round 1 Dembate! [Or: "...our first round of candidates and the members of the inquisition..."]

We at Political Beast aren’t known for breaking news, thus the delay in reviewing the performance of the Dem candidates at Night
Zero Tolerance Equals Zero Humanity
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
SPECIAL: POTUS Trump’s Executive Order 5
On 27 January, 2016, came the “Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry to the United States” or, colloquially,