United States Army

SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #3 Judge’s Ballot

Don't let it fool you: this bobblehead comes complete with "Mom Teresa Lifelike Anger Pack"...and yes, we're kidding. The "Anger Pack" costs extra!
Don’t let it fool you: this bobblehead comes complete with “Mom Teresa Lifelike Anger Pack”…and yes, we’re kidding. The “Anger Pack” costs extra!

For what feels like the better part of an aeon, a near equally-endless array of the vile punditry and our hapless American citizenry have watched..................   read more

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SPECIAL: Legal Voting Age

ablueribbonUnder normal circumstances, the age an American citizen is given the right to vote is eighteen years old. However, there is a..................   read more

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Radical Centrism at its worst.