Race Relations
Contrast: Black Lives Matter v. All Lives Matter (et al) BLM meets ALM, etc., in this series pilot; Michael DeViney, Jr., marks his editorial debut with the rebuttal in the 2nd half of the piece.

Black Lives Matter: Let’s cut through the fat together, shall we? Yes or yes? Good. With that, we have a problem in America.
Political Beast: Democratic Debate Night 1 Round 1 Dembate! [Or: "...our first round of candidates and the members of the inquisition..."]

We at Political Beast aren’t known for breaking news, thus the delay in reviewing the performance of the Dem candidates at Night
Black History Month: Being About It

Talking about what might’ve been and thinking about what used to be only goes so far. Certainly not one opposed to reminiscing, I was wracked with grief over the comments
Political Beast: Police Procedures [or: “Gee, does this sound boring?”]

When Political Beast decided to go back to the subject of police-community relations, we were a bit hesitant, since we’ve covered this pretty thoroughly in a former
Political Beast: Vietnam – Did People Actually Care?
When I heard Ken Burns, rock star of documentary film, was releasing a new PBS documentary, I was, of course, excited. When I heard the subject was Vietnam, I was
Interview: Black History, POTUS Obama, Et al
DeViney: Mr. Green, from the outset, before I go getting carried away and forget, thank you, from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the swashbucklers who comprise
“Is It Just Us” – Fair & Thorough Aggregation Site for Black Americans (becomes friends with ModState)

While we haven’t entered into the depth of discussion to which opportunity afforded