Political Beast: “Bulletins”
To say something needs no introduction begs the question, “So, why the [expletive deleted] are you introducing it, then?!” As a bastion of the independent media, however, with
Commentary on the Movie, “The Post” [Excerpt]
[The following is an excerpt from the blog and publishing site of Mr. Geoff Shepard, Esq., author of “The Real Watergate Scandal”, kindly used with permission of the author.]
The top-secret report which became known as the Pentagon Papers, officially titled United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense, is an internal analysis of documentation about the origins and conduct of the Vietnam War from 1947 to the end of the Johnson Administration, prepared over the course of three years under the supervision of three anti-war DOD officials. It ultimately consisted of some 3,000 pages of analysis and 4,000 pages of documentation. It was not peer reviewed or circulated outside of DOD.
Publication of the first article by the New York Times on June 13, 1971 caught the Nixon Administration completely by surprise. The Papers contained nothing adverse about the Nixon Administration itself, since the study concluded with the Johnson Administration, but there were three principal causes of concern:
The Living and The Dead: Dystopia as Pastime [or: “The Road to Megiddo”]

If you’re awake and at all oriented to the world at large, you needn’t go far from the comforts of your mobile phone, laptop or television-hub to
Political Beast: Vietnam – Did People Actually Care?
When I heard Ken Burns, rock star of documentary film, was releasing a new PBS documentary, I was, of course, excited. When I heard the subject was Vietnam, I was
Norway Announces U.S. Marines To Extend Stay

Stuttgart, Germany – Norway’s Minister of Defense announced today that U.S. Marines will continue rotational training and exercises in Norway through 2018.
Expect the Impossible
In George Friedman’s forecast of the 21st century (“The Next 100 Year”) he wrote, “The old, New Left slogan ‘Be Practical,
“Is It Just Us” – Fair & Thorough Aggregation Site for Black Americans (becomes friends with ModState)

While we haven’t entered into the depth of discussion to which opportunity afforded
Iwo Jima Timelapse Work from ModState’s In-House Visuals Guru
…in all seriousness, my childhood friend, US Air Force veteran and the ModState graphic design director, Samuel J. Wheeler, has seen fit to share with the world the process that went into the replica he handmade (not scanned and printed it, no, no) for his father and if you’re a self-aware, halfway-literate member of civilization you’ve probably seen the infamous photograph and/or replica of the second flag-raising at Iwo Jima (the first flag-raising was not the incident made famous by the media, nor was Navy corpsman1 [combat medic] Bradley in the immortalized reenactment).
Regardless, the extent to which Mr. Wheeler went to so beautifully re-capture the original, uh, re-capturing as a gift for his father is beyond belief and you owe it to yourself to check out this short YouTube video and share it with your friends and enemies: they’ll thank you either way.
1 When the MSM (mainstream media) and their fellow Leftists all over the coastlines insult President George W. Bush (R-TX) and President-elect Donald J. Trump (X-NY)2 on the basis of intellect (or, as they allege, the lack thereof), just remember: our outgoing President, Barack H. Obama (D-IL), the Constitutional lawyer with very little regard for the actual text of the US Constitution3 (edumacated4 at that basket of depravity called something like “Harvard University” or some other s**t5), on more than one occasion did refer to a corpsman as a corpseman (as in a corpse and a man juxtaposed in the same set of syllables).
2 Recall the quote from Mick Jagger (circa. 1978) from one of the first articles to ever appear on ModState (“If you can’t take a joke, that’s too fucking bad”) because, yes, I am well aware the POTUS-elect should have his party signifier cited as (R-NY) and not as it appeared. If he were a movie, I don’t know that he’d have an “R” rating and so…y’see what I did there? Don’t like it? See the previously-mentioned quote from Sir Michael Philip Jagger. Don’t like it? Find the distinct “X” marker at the top right of your browser window and click it.
3 A POTUS who is okay with disagreement from the Legislative branch because they have a phone and a pen is: A) a big fan of the non sequitur (meaning “it does not follow” or move in linear or logically-sound progression) or B) studied Constitutional law because it’s the doctrine entrenched opposite of their…FRIENDS?! Yes, they studied it to know their true enemy, because they admire Communists like Saul Alinsky and embrace anti-capitalist concepts such as the Cloward–Piven strategy. Guess which one President Obama is?
4 Look, I’ve taken part in the ridicule of POTUS 43 (Jorge “Dubya” Booish) and Donald “Trump Means ‘Fart’ in England” Trump and do a mean impression of my favorite POTUS (Richard “Expletive Deleted” Nixon) so, yeah, when you’re the favorite Leftist intellectual of the Leftist Intellectual crowd (who believe[s] there’s no such think as an intellectual who isn’t a Leftist) and you mercilessly ridicule things you disagree while being a Democrat. “So what if he’s a Democrat?!” you demand. Well, let’s see, the Democratic Party: fought the post-Reconstruction, full implementation efforts aimed at truly ending slavery, fought to keep Jim Crow laws all while espousing progress BS like eugenics (the genetics’ pseudo-scientific study of the inferiority of blacks [among others]) and a hero of a racist thug who as POTUS is alleged (Ronald Kessler’s book
State of Mind: American
There are so many different ethnicities and life styles living in America and for some reason we feel the need to hyphenate certain ethnicities.