Author: Staff
Contrast: Palestine v. Israel The title suggests a neat and straightforward collision. It is neither, but the series' 2nd entry marks the editorial debut of Candace Smith.

To this editor, ModState serves an important function. Much more than a centrist platform that approaches discussion beyond hardline left and right
Contrast: Black Lives Matter v. All Lives Matter (et al) BLM meets ALM, etc., in this series pilot; Michael DeViney, Jr., marks his editorial debut with the rebuttal in the 2nd half of the piece.

Black Lives Matter: Let’s cut through the fat together, shall we? Yes or yes? Good. With that, we have a problem in America.
INTERVIEW: GCHQ Endeavors to Bring Medical Marijuana to Mississippi Their COO, Emily Osborne Rhodes, graciously meets and fills us in. But for the record, there's something dank in Gluckstadt, Dude!

DeViney, J.: Emily, thank you for taking the time to talk about what it is you’re doing to improve the status quo in the State of Mississippi and, by proxy I feel, the nation.
PRESS RELEASE: Al Eldeen Dismissal
Saturday, 18 May 2019
ModState Magazine
Aurora, Colorado 80017
For Immediate Release
Aurora, Colorado – 18 May 2019 –

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we address what is certainly the darkest and saddest
Commentary on the Movie, “The Post” [Excerpt]
[The following is an excerpt from the blog and publishing site of Mr. Geoff Shepard, Esq., author of “The Real Watergate Scandal”, kindly used with permission of the author.]
The top-secret report which became known as the Pentagon Papers, officially titled United States – Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense, is an internal analysis of documentation about the origins and conduct of the Vietnam War from 1947 to the end of the Johnson Administration, prepared over the course of three years under the supervision of three anti-war DOD officials. It ultimately consisted of some 3,000 pages of analysis and 4,000 pages of documentation. It was not peer reviewed or circulated outside of DOD.
Publication of the first article by the New York Times on June 13, 1971 caught the Nixon Administration completely by surprise. The Papers contained nothing adverse about the Nixon Administration itself, since the study concluded with the Johnson Administration, but there were three principal causes of concern:
Norway Announces U.S. Marines To Extend Stay

Stuttgart, Germany – Norway’s Minister of Defense announced today that U.S. Marines will continue rotational training and exercises in Norway through 2018.
“Doctors and Mahers and Sessions…oh MY…”
“There is a sort of excess that is interesting, don’t
NeoSpeak: Corey Borger and The Millenials

We the millennials of this great nation are succumb to the flaws of human nature. Our red, white, and blue guts remind us how hungry we are for the truth.
NeoSpeak: Al Capone’s Vault > Prince’s Vault
Jonathan D. DeViney: “Prince’s love songs were about as romantic as a pay toilet. And now, y’know we’re gonna have to listen to just how much of a genius he was…”