Author: DeViney, Jack
SPECIAL: Election Day Update(s)
Good evening (thus far): no mass reports of voter intimidation, no reports of Russian hacks (or any other hacks, for that matter) and with the first
Fabriquè en Babylon: Don’t Let “Them” Win
I hearken back to hallowed antiquity (or the 2012 election season, anyway), about six months after meeting a fellow corpsman I had the honor
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #3 Judge’s Ballot

For what feels like the better part of an aeon, a near equally-endless array of the vile punditry and our hapless American citizenry have watched
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate #2 Judge’s Ballot
“’Tawdry,’” my Uncle Zip began, “is the word for it, I believe.” The Donald arrived at the scene of the 2nd Presidential Debate
Interview: On POTUS Nixon with Mr. Geoff Shepard, Esq.

DeViney, Jonathan D.:First and foremost, Mr. Shepard, on behalf of the staff and readership of ModState, thank you
SPECIAL: POTUS Debate Judge’s Ballot
Just shy of a decade has elapsed since I last judged a round at a sanctioned debate tournament. Having competed in both parliamentary and policy debate
Fabriquè en Babylon: Bullets and “Brexit”
ModState Marks Podcast Debut With “Political Beast,” Sheriff Tony Estrada

In a bit of a late showing (on the part of management), everything came together in the eleventh hour for Gabe Coker and the debut of his podcast,
Fabriquè en Babylon: It’s Cool to Know Nothing
It wouldn’t have been long, I’d figured, before my tour of the Cruz White House would bring me peering into the abyss. I’d’ve maintained long