Author: DeViney, Jack
Post-Inauguration Podcast: G. Coker & J. DeViney Part Two

Do you remember the days when ModState was really OCD about every minute detail? Probably not, but I do and that’s what matters
Post-Inauguration Podcast: G. Coker & J. DeViney Part One

In a largely miserable effort, Gabriel Coker invites the managing editor of ModState back to his podcast to mixed results: Montana gets airtime without someone named
ModState’s 1st Podcast of 2017 Part Three: Musings of a (largely-ignored) managing editor

“If you can’t be on time, be early.” This and many other fine sayings have come to define the apex of my time in the U.S. Navy.
ModState’s 1st Podcast of 2017 Part Two: Trump Campaign Surrogate Mitchell Tyner, Sr., Returns
ModCast MoadCast MroadCast [expletive deleted]-sponsored by Castol GTX ModState Podcast! LAUD-LAUD!
ModState’s 1st Podcast of 2017 Part One: Nogales County (AZ) Sheriff Tony Estrada Returns

One of the most striking figures ever to’ve interacted with us here at ModState, Nogales County (Arizona) Sheriff Tony Estrada graciously
As Wild Year Concludes, Board of Directors, Ed. Staff See Cause for Renewed Optimism

As the New Year is preparing to force us all to live within the confines of 2017 for a whole year (selfish!), ModState LLC has continued
Iwo Jima Timelapse Work from ModState’s In-House Visuals Guru
In case you missed it, once upon a time there was a Prince formerly known as “Artist” and…wait, wait, no, that’s not it. Let’s see here, carry the four, add gin…
With New Episode of Podcast, ModState Ends Post-Election Break
As the wise and reverent youth, the Prince formerly known as Artist once said, “Even the soldiers need a break sometimes.” Thus, we took
ModState “Thanks[for]giving” Podcast
Well, well, well! We’re rapidly approaching the most significant season in Christendom, that of the season of the Mass of Christ, i.e., Christmas,
ModState LLC Board of Directors Begins Taking Shape as Post-Election Transition Continues

All good things come to an end, and with the 2016 POTUS Election mercifully coming to its (apparent) conclusion, ModState has sailed