Author: Grey, Dorian
Apologetics: Mssrs. Wellein and DeViney

Any number of individuals have made use of our house ghost writer’s nom de plume to date. I am but the latest, having merely the sole distinction of being the only Englishman to use it.
In what feels
The Lost Cause of The GOP & The Jewish Vote in 2016

They haven’t, as a majority, voted Republican for president in any year since the Reagan administration. That’s more than thirty years ago!
Sadly, U.S. Jews as a group are not likely to switch to voting Republican in 2016 either. The most significant reasons why include:
- Steadfast dedication to the Democratic Party.
- Commitment to liberal causes, especially on social issues. Further, most Jews in the U.S. do not rank support for Israel high on their list of political issues.
- Belief that Donald Trump is racist against Latinos and Muslims.
Jews have a historic commitment to the Democratic Party, and many vote exactly as their parents voted even though the parties have significantly changed over time. What’s more, Jewish population centers tend to be in heavily Democratic areas [as] the highest Jewish populations in the U.S. are New York, New Jersey, Florida, Massachusetts, and California (source:
Last month, a Gallup survey was released, and its eye-opening (source: