Year: 2017
Fabriquè en Babylon: Here There Be Monsters “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Someday, we will look back knowing that Donald Trump gave birth to the 21st century. In a time where life is cheap and peace a punchline from the footnotes
Political Beast: Police Procedures [or: “Gee, does this sound boring?”]

Sport is winning that world
A number of such two-sided contests may be arranged in a tournament producing a champion. Many sports leagues make an annual champion by arranging games.
Political Beast: Vietnam – Did People Actually Care?
When I heard Ken Burns, rock star of documentary film, was releasing a new PBS documentary, I was, of course, excited. When I heard the subject was Vietnam,
EDITORIAL: Don’t Eat The Rich
This becomes irresponsibility, this relentless notion of “progressives” that life can be perfectly equitable and fair if only the central (Federal) government
Executive Completion: Trump’s Transgender Tweets
On the anniversary of the Executive Order that desegregated the Armed Forces,
our commander-in-chief, President Donald J. Trump, sent the following three tweets:
EDITORIAL: The Obamacare Repeal Endgame(s)

As I sit to write this article I still find myself struggling to understand the goal of the Senate GOP Health Care bill(s). Obviously, the overall ideology and goal